Sometimes it’s the small things that can make a a family camping or overlanding trip feel a little more enjoyable. While they won’t ruin an outdoor outing, minor annoyances like smashed loaves of bread and wet toilet paper are things that can be avoided with the right kind of storage container. Maybe these camping storage containers won’t change your life, but in our experience they can make outdoor life just a bit easier.
Full disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to products we use and recommend.
Airtight Bread Storage Container

Despite our best attempts to keep loaves of bread from getting crushed on camping trips, we often ended up eating a few lopsided sandwiches. After buying our first one at a discount store, we ordered another Buddeez Bread Buddy Bread Box. (above) It works like a charm to keep a standard-sized loaf of bread both fresh and intact.
Collapsible Camping Sink
Instead of carrying paper plates, we camp with enameled dishware, which needs washing after every meal. A collapsible camping sink takes up very little room, and when it’s popped-out, is deep enough to soak all of our camping dishes. The 3.17 liter collapsible sinks we found also can serve as wash basins, as well as for storing and carrying things.
Toilet Paper Storage Containers

It’s easy enough when camping to store toilet paper in a ziploc bag, but waterproof toilet paper holders you can hang next to your latrine area take it up a notch. You may find that they don’t roll that well until the roll is a bit smaller, but otherwise they do the job.
Egg Storage Containers For Camping

It’s not fun when you expect to be scrambling eggs for breakfast but open your storage locker to find the ones you’ve brought are broken. An egg storage container that’s hard-sided can help prevent this. These fit eggs up to grade A large and since we began using them, we haven’t had any cracked ones. You can find Coghlan’s egg holders at Bass Pro, Walmart and online.
For Your Furry Friends – Odor Proof Dog Food Containers
We like to carry our dog’s food in a Gamma2 Vittle Vault container, which is BPA free and doesn’t give off odors that might attract hungry wildlife. These come in a variety of sizes and we find the 15 lb size is handy for storing smelly pet waste bags.

The Yeti Loadout GoBox
Most of the items on this list are fairly budget friendly, but not quite as much for the last item, the Yeti Loadout GoBox, shown in the first photo. We use ours for our cutlery, spices, cutting board and other meal prep items, and store necessary camping items like batteries in the pockets attached to the lid. The Loadout GoBox is bear resistant and has an O ring seal that makes it waterproof. It’s one of our favorite camping storage accessories and we bring it along on all our trips.
These are just a few of the storage containers for camping that we’ve found useful. If you have your own favorites and would like to share them with us, send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll add it to this list.