fcc license for gmrs

So you’ve finally upgraded your off-road vehicle’s old CB to a full power GMRS radio, but did you remember to get a GMRS license from the FCC? We’ll look at why it really is necessary to license your GMRS radio setup, but first, here’s the easy way to get your GMRS radio license, and how to navigate the FCC’s clunky website.

(While their website may appear a bit dated, the FCC’s field monitoring vans are still fairly high-tech – see the YouTube video at the end of this article, where an FCC agent discusses his capabilities for locating illegal GMRS operators and other violators.)

Applying for a GMRS license is easy, does not require any kind of test, and it takes only a few minutes. A license does cost $35, but covers your whole family and is good for 10 years.

Step 1 – Get Your FRN Number

get gmrs license

First navigate to the FCC Registration Page and click on “Register and Receive Your FRN”. Next choose “Individual” and choose “yes” if you have a US address.

Step 2 – Fill Out The Form

If the first part of the form reads “register a domestic business” you checked the wrong box, so hit your browser’s “back button” and choose individual.

Fill out this form with your address, etc., and when you’re done, hit “Submit“.  If your submission is approved, the next page should look something like the one below.

Next, click on Universal License System.

gmrs application

Step 3 – Apply For a GMRS License

how to get gmrs license

The next step is to click on “Apply For A New License” in the upper left hand corner. After then next window opens, scroll all the way down, to the bottom of the list, to General Mobile Radio Service, the last entry and click “Continue”.  This is a direct link to the License Manager Login Page, if you need it.

You’re probably not going to be exempt from fees, etc. so answer “No” to the next three questions and “Continue”.

Fill Out Your Contact Info

easy gmrs applicationNext, answer the “felony” question and proceed by clicking on “Continue to Certify”. If you checked yes, you may have to answer additional questions or submit a explanation letter with your application.



Continue to the next page, where you’ll submit your application. This will be followed by a payment page. After you’ve submitted your application for a GMRS radio license and the $35 fee, you may receive your license is as little as 24 hours. (We actually got ours in less time than that, however processing times vary.)

Once you’ve got your new GMRS license, you’ll want to know how to properly use your call sign.  See our article on How To Talk On A GMRS Radio” for tips.

Why You Really Do Need A GMRS License

If you’re new to GMRS after years of using FRS walkie-talkies – which share the same channels and don’t require a license – you may be asking “what’s the big deal, I didn’t need one before, etc.”  GMRS radios are not FRS radios. They’re more powerful, with up to 50 watts and wide-band FM, and signals may travel up to 60 miles or more. Regulation of the service – including the FCC’s use of mobile monitoring vans and expensive citations for violators – is necessary to prevent malicious interference that could render GMRS frequencies unusable for the rest of us.

We might not like government regulations, but if there were no rules or enforcement, anyone could start their own radio station and broadcast whatever they wanted – 24-7 – over a large area, ruining things for the rest of us. GMRS radios are powerful, and in the wrong hands, and without rules (think CB radio) nearby channels used by first responders, the military and law enforcement could be adversely affected.

Lastly, if you ever want to take advantage of one of the many GMRS repeaters – which greatly increase your radio’s range – you must use a call sign, that is, if you want anyone else to talk to you, and not get booted off the machine. Using your GMRS call sign shows that you’re a responsible radio user, and it’s the right thing to do.

Best Value in a Full Power Mobile
Best Compact Full Power Mobile
BTECH Mobile GMRS-50X1 50 Watt GMRS Two-Way Radio, GMRS...
Midland MXT575 GMRS Mobile Radio, Integrated Control Mic -...
Price not available
Special Features
UHF/VHF scanner, NOAA Weather
NOAA Weather - Compact - Mic has speaker and all controls.
Repeater Channels
Water Resistant
Best For
Those who also want to monitor non-GMRS channels
Saving cab space
50 Watts
50 Watts
More Information
Best Value in a Full Power Mobile
BTECH Mobile GMRS-50X1 50 Watt GMRS Two-Way Radio, GMRS...
Price not available
Special Features
UHF/VHF scanner, NOAA Weather
Repeater Channels
Water Resistant
Best For
Those who also want to monitor non-GMRS channels
50 Watts
More Information
Best Compact Full Power Mobile
Midland MXT575 GMRS Mobile Radio, Integrated Control Mic -...
Special Features
NOAA Weather - Compact - Mic has speaker and all controls.
Repeater Channels
Water Resistant
Best For
Saving cab space
50 Watts
More Information

Does The FCC Really Track Down Illegal GMRS Operators?

The odds of you being tracked down and fined for violating the FCC’s rules for GMRS radio are indeed relatively low, yet they do issue plenty of citations each year.  In response to a complaint or even because of routine monitoring in your area, an FCC monitoring vehicle could still pay you a visit, especially if you’re not playing nice on GMRS. Below is a YouTube video of such a vehicle, along with the agent’s description of some of the tools they have at their disposal to track you down. It’s just a wise idea to go ahead and get a GMRS license – if you do plan on using this versatile means of overland vehicle communication.

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